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UX writing – how to create content that is user-friendly?

January 10 2023 (aktualizacja: August 5 2024)

UX – This shortcut changes everything, even the definition of “writing”. Why? This abbreviation indicates that the research, design, or text is primarily user-focused.

User Experience advancements affect increasingly more layers of digital projects, including graphics, information architecture, interaction methods, and communication language. It demonstrates the universality of the rules and UX values on the one hand, and the utility of an approach that treats the user subjectively on the other.

It is the same with writing. UX Writing is a set of techniques for creating content that facilitates comprehension. Reassuring even the least attentive reader is of utmost importance here. Their interaction with you must be natural. Clear and concise communication. Brief and straightforward sentences. The text’s structure is so clear and logical that it facilitates navigation and information reception. Direct, reducing the distance, and inclusive.

Similarly, the layout of the content on the entire page or application screen is intended to make it easy to locate key information. This is determined by the headers created by the UX writer, among other factors.

The quality of interface communication must be maintained throughout the website or application’s entire text layer. Long articles must be as intuitive as blog entries, product descriptions, purchase windows, and forms. UX writing plays a crucial role in returning the user to the conversion path, particularly in situations where the user may make a mistake. No ambiguity or complexity is permitted; everything must be readily comprehended. For instance, a suggestion to contact a consultant or visit the FAQ page must be provided at the appropriate time and in an understandable manner.

In addition to the quality of the content, application format is also important. It should be cost-effective. The author attempts to combine a straightforward message with a straightforward structure in the following texts:

with subheadings
black and white
sans serif type with 1.5 leading
left aligned
in sentences of up to 20 words
in paragraphs up to 6 lines

Likewise, there is nothing preventing you from emphasising key points with bold or italics. This creates additional waypoints.

People with cognitive impairments ought to be remembered. For this purpose, the FOG readability index is utilised. For this, instruments such as the Hemingway are utilised. After entering the content, the author receives the type of education required for the reader to assimilate it.

A user who finds it easy to consume will not want to interrupt it. It will neither become weary nor bored. They will perceive that the message is perfectly suited to his level of knowledge because it is replete with common phrases. What is the effect? It will easily progress through the process of interacting with a digital product and be eager to return to it and convert.

Who is a UX designer?

You are accountable for this type of content as part of your copywriting responsibilities. However, the profession is gradually becoming a niche for specialists in writing that is simple and approachable. The majority of this work consists of microcopy, which includes the creation of brief button slogans, explanations, messages, menu categories, pop-ups, 404 page content, brief definitions, photo captions, and alternative texts.

The UX writer performs duties at various stages of product development. Frequently, they writes content from scratch in accordance with the principles of UX writing, but on occasion, they must optimise previously written text. Frequently, the UX writer collaborates with the UX designer. They continually adds content to the newly created interface elements. This makes working with the whole easier.

Thanks to experience in UX writing, even legal and technical correspondence is easier for recipients to comprehend and read. This is increasingly common on the subpages of regulations, privacy policies, and licence agreements, as well as in user manuals. A conscientious user commits fewer errors. He has a greater understanding of their rights, is more aware of his actions, and cooperates more effectively in times of trouble. In contrast, in the United States he is less likely to file lawsuits.

What distinguishes UX writing from copywriting?

At various stages of contact with the product and the manufacturer, both specialists engage in communication. The copywriter is responsible for creating content that will persuade potential users to give the brand a try. The UX writer then navigates the user through the interface as their guide.

The copywriter may also employ stylistically complex statements. It is responsible for inciting action by creating promises and visions associated with the offer. He writes using the language of advantages and frequently employs specialised terminology to justify them. The UX writer is the opposite end of the communication spectrum. It operates within the user’s comfort zone and minimises the use of foreign words. The language is straightforward, and there is no room for wordplay.

To attract attention, evoke vivid and positive emotions, and stimulate the imagination, the copywriter will also employ a more “flashy” style. It will be future-oriented. In contrast, the UX writer will tone down the impressions, care for the user, and create a comfortable space for immediate action.

Typically, the copywriter will then close and submit each text a single time.
The UX writer, on the other hand, contributes to the creation of the interface and works until the entire project is complete.

Therefore, both specialists are required in various locations where the target audience meets the company’s message and product.

UX writing – overview

While describing UX writing may sound like creating the simplest message possible, the task is not as straightforward as it sounds. Everything indicates that the situation will become even more challenging in the future.

This is due to the rapid pace of technological advancement, which creates new avenues for the development of websites, services, and applications. The objective of designers is to increase the number of functions and options, add new products, and enhance the recipient’s experience. As the number of options available to users increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to assimilate them. To remain competitive in the market, a balance is required. The difficulty lies in describing to users how these increasingly complex products function.

Firmware merits special consideration. Employees advance in the organisation based on the effectiveness and efficiency of their task performance. The interface is the absolute foundation for managing processes. Will it be compatible with CRM, warehouse management systems, or medical software? The employee desires to feel secure at work and reduce error risk. On the other hand, the employer quickly introduces new employees without observing them seeking technical advice from one another.

In addition to the aforementioned obstacles for UX writers, there is a growing divide between modern interfaces and those who have been technologically excluded until now. The demand for UX writing specialists is anticipated to increase, and the race to simplify the use of digital products will quicken.

Katarzyna Siwczak
Marketing Specialist
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