Designing Information Architecture for

About the client

Sklep łączy w sobie asortyment dla klientów B2C oraz B2B. Zaprojektowanie architektury informacji odpowiadającej potrzebom obu grup było postawionym przed nami wyzwaniem.

Scope of services

Project implemented by
Wojciech Popiela
CEO/UX Expert


Creating an information architecture, which takes the shape of a store category structure in this instance, can be a difficult task. In an effort to gain insight into consumer preferences, opted for research methodologies.

What was our objective?

  • Developing improved store navigation based on study data by sorting cards using the Optimal Workshop software.

How did we interact with respondents?

  • Card sorting
    Card sorting entails presenting respondents with a collection of items and requesting that they arrange them according to their preferences. The acquired data is then analysed. We opted for the semi-open option, which includes established categories as well as the possibility to add your own.
  • Individual interviews with chosen responders
    A study on how to sort the cards of a specific user or group. Attempting to comprehend the mentality behind a particular method of performing a task.
  • Tree testing
    A study to evaluate the efficacy of searching for pieces using a novel architectural concept.

What strategies have we selected?

  • Card sorting study
  • Tree testing
  • Dendrogram analysis
  • Relationship illustration
  • Interviews with chosen research subjects