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Google Analytics 4 implementation

Start collecting reliable data in Google Analytics 4 and achieve maximum profits thanks to web analytics.

  • Maximum return on investment
  • 100% correct data
  • Dedicated configuration

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    July 1st, 2023 Google turns off Google Analytics 3. Google Analytics 4 will change the way data is collected and become the standard - be prepared for it.

    We will help you implement the new Google Analytics 4. Don’t lose your data.

    Let us implement GA4
    Use the potential of Google Analytics 4
    Qualitative data

    Use the potential of Google Analytics 4

    A large part of the Google Analytics implementations that we encounter in our work end up adding the tracking code and collecting basic data. This only covers a small percentage of user interactions with the website. Making decisions based on data from such a configured account is like buying a car by viewing it only in photos on the Internet.

    How do we implement Google Analytics 4?

    How do we implement Google Analytics 4?

    The configuration of reports and advanced options in Google Analytics is performed using the Google Tag Manager. Thanks to this tool, we do not have to involve our IT department. We introduce changes quickly and effectively without internal support. We adjust Google Analytics to the needs of your company.

    What will you gain by implementing Google Analytics 4?

    Profit maximization
    Advanced configuration of Google Analytics 4 will allow you to use data that will deepen the analysis and will be the basis for effective activities.
    Data continuity
    Early implementation of the new Google Analytics 4 service guarantees you the right amount of data for analysis after turning off Google Analytics 3.
    Już skorzystał z naszych usług
    • code
      Wdrożenie analityki
    • chart-alt
      Zaawansowana konfiguracja
    • website
      Wykonanie raportów

      Better UX? Let's talk about it!