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A website that sales on its own to B2B clients

Openprint.pl is a printing company for advertisements that specialises in remote customer assistance. They are part of the Reflect Group, one of the leading corporations consolidating advertising printing-related brand names.

Their system enables the automatic creation of projects and printing orders for promotional materials.
A website that sales on its own to B2B clients


The process of ordering the printing of marketing materials is complicated and fraught with uncertainties. Could it be presented in a way that allows for error while maintaining adaptability?

Open Print met the challenge of developing a fully automated system that guides the user through the design and ordering of advertising materials through printing. Dedicated to the general public, not just specialists.


What was our mission?

Create a procedure that walks B2B clients through the whole design and ordering process for advertising materials. Reduce the likelihood of making an error and the necessity to contact assistance.

What strategies have we selected?

  • UX/UI Design
  • Design workshops
  • Analysis of customer behaviour and needs

Concept of changes

  1. UI Design - designing a brand-new purchase procedure
  2. Visual communication design
  3. Creation of automated contextual and technical assistance


  1. User-friendly interface
  2. Increased user satisfaction with the website
  3. A response to candidates' actual requirements
  4. Time savings for the customer service department
  5. Errors made when placing orders are reduced.


  • Summary Even ostensibly complicated processes can be automated by analysing user behaviour and demands and designing and evaluating purchasing phases correctly.

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